How to Buy KCS on the KuCoin Exchange

3 min readJul 14, 2021


Follow the guide below to buy KuCoin Shares (KCS) tokens on the KuCoin Exchange.

Step 1 — Registration

Register an account on the KuCoin Exchange. Click here to visit the KuCoin Account Registration page to register on the platform.

Step 2 — Form Completion

Enter details required to set up an account. What’s needed is a valid email address or phone number and a secure password. The password can be alphanumeric to make it much harder to figure out for cyber attackers. Enter your phone number or e-mail address and click on ‘send code’ to receive a verification code.

Step 3 — Verification

You should receive an e-mail or text message with a verification code. Enter the code you received in the form. This process is to verify you have access to the email account or phone number you are registering with. After you’re done confirming your phone number or e-mail address, click on ‘sign up’.

Step 4— Click on “Deposit”

Click on the DEPOSIT link at the center of your screen to add some funds to your account.

Step 5 — Secure Your Account

When depositing for the first time, you’ll be required to secure your account by setting up the Google Authenticator.

Step 6— Google Authenticator

Follow the directions for setting up Google Authenticator for your account as shown on your screen. Download, install and enter the code displayed to activate the Google Authentication security on your KuCoin account.

Step 7 — Select Asset

Select the asset you want to deposit. Because of BTC’s high transaction fees and slow transaction confirmation times, you might want to go with for the Ether (ETH). This can save you a considerable amount of money you can add up to what you are buying compared to transacting with BTC.

Step 8— Ether Wallet

When the ETH asset is selected, your Ether wallet address on the KuCoin Exchange is generated and displayed. This address can be used to make multiple deposits to your KuCoin account.

Step 9 — Wallet Address

Copy the wallet address to your wallet outside the KuCoin Exchange, where you presently hold some Ether cryptocurrencies, and send some to your Ether wallet address on KuCoin. Wait a moment for the transaction to reflect on the KuCoin Exchange. This shouldn’t take long if you use a considerable amount of gas for your transaction. Use to see the current average gas for your transaction.

Step 10 — Markets Link

Once your deposit reflects, click on the MARKETS link at the top of the page.

Step 11 — The ETH Tab

Click on the ALTS tab. Then choose ETH.

Click on the KCS/ETH from the list of assets displayed on the page. It’s probably going to be the first on the list, if not, use the search coin box at the top of the assets section.

Step 12 — Authenticator Code

On the KCS/ETH page, the sections to buy and sell should be disabled; you are required to enter a code from your Google Authenticator app.

Step 13— Best Price Link

Click on the Best Price link in the Price field and the best market price would be filled into the box.

Step 14 — Buy KuCoin Shares (KCS)

Enter the number of KCS tokens you want to exchange for your Ethers or click on the Max link, and the number you can purchase with all your deposited funds would be displayed in the Amount box.

Click on the BUY button to buy KuCoin shares (KCS).

Wait a moment, and your KuCoin Shares (KCS) tokens should be credited to your wallet.

There you go, now you have KuCoin Shares (KCS) and are ready to buy KUD

