
4 min readJul 11, 2021


The first fully functional AMM (Automated Market Maker) Decentralized Exchange and Yield-Farm -all in one- platform on the newly launched KuCoin Community Chain.

Welome to Kudex

Kudex empowers traders, liquidity providers, pool farmers and new projects on KCC to participate in a financial marketplace that is open, decentralised and accessible to everyone.

We are committed to open source software and building on the decentralized web.

Website: https://kudex.finance

Exchange: https://swap.kudex.finance

Github: https://github.com/kudexkcc

Docs: https://docs.kudex.finance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kudexkcc

Telegram: https://t.me/kudexkcc

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/kudexkcc

How to get started

Getting started is easy. Our platform operates on the Kucoin Community Chain. This means you have to connect to the network first. In order to do that, you need to have a wallet. We recommend using Metamask. After installing Metamask and setting up your wallet, you will have to add the KCC network to your network list. For a network setup guide, click here.

Kudex is also compatible with other wallet providers such as TrustWallet, MathWallet, TokenPocket and Wallet Connect.

• Trade

Instantly swap crypto tokens: no registration or account needed.

• Decentralized

Trade directly from your wallet such as Metamask, TrustWallet, MathWallet, TokenPocket and Wallet Connect.. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, Kudex doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto.


Earn KUD, KCS and other tokens for free with super high interest rates automatically adjusted according to the pool from various farms and pools.

Main Features


Kudex is the first fully functional AMM (Automated Market Maker) Decentralized Exchange and Yield-Farm -all in one- platform on the Kucoin Community Chain.

​• Automatic Liquidity

Each transfer of KUD has a 5% transfer tax. The 4% transfer tax gets added to the liquidity pool through the contract automatically to raise the price floor continuously. The liquidity will be locked and is inaccessible.​

• ​Automated Burning

As we mentioned above, each transfer of KUD has a 5% transfer tax. The other 1% transfer tax will be burned immediately. The whole process is automatic. This will ensure that the token’s supply does not inflate too quickly.​

​• Harvest Lockup

Harvest lockup is a unique rewards lockup mechanism used to limit the frequency of harvesting. It is designed to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constantly harvesting and dumping.​ For example, the harvest lockup of the KUD-KCS farm is 1 hour. This means that farmers who stake in the KUD-KCS farm can only harvest (claim their rewards from farming) every hour.

• Migrator Code Removed

The migrator code has been removed from the MasterChef contract. Review the MasterChef contract: 0x243E46d50130F346beDE1d9548B41c49c6440872

Introducing our native token for the Dex: Kudex Token (KUD)


​• Starting supply: 40,320,000 KUD

​• Starting liquidity: 300 KCS / 40,320,000 KUD

​• Kudex Token (KUD) Contract: 0xBd451b952dE19F2C7bA2c8c516b0740484E953B2

​• Chain: Kucoin Community Chain

​• 50 KUD distributed to liquidity providers each block (3 seconds) — The supply will double exactly two weeks after launch.

​• Harvest Lockup: 1 hour

​• Total Transfer Tax Rate: 5% of every transfer

​• Burn Rate: 1% of transfer tax will be burned immediately. Burn Address : 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

​• Automatic Liquidity Rate: 4% of transfer tax will be added to the KUD-KCS LP pool and locked.

Locked Liquidity

Token lock source code: https://pastebin.com/sLxQznx4

Masterchef source code: https://pastebin.com/Bmj2jCRR

Both contracts are compiled on version 0.6.12

You can verify that our initial liquidity (LP tokens) are locked in these contracts:

5% — 3 days — 5 191.6 LP tokens

Unlocks: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:39:37 AM

Contract: https://explorer.kcc.io/en/address/0x0d99371c95368ace8215023dfe3b2a8ff2f10258

​20% — 2 weeks — 20 766.4 LP tokens

Unlocks: Saturday, July 24, 2021 12:49:37 AM

Contract: https://explorer.kcc.io/en/address/0xCbbA740E67539FebB86938cFC1ed2aCB31D371F0

​25% — 1 month — 25 958 LP tokens

Unlocks: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 1:09:37 AM

Contract: https://explorer.kcc.io/en/address/0xF59Af636AEa3659215e109dd85D25DBb5Fdcd214

​50% — 1 year — 51 916 LP tokens

Unlocks: Sunday, July 10, 2022 12:59:37 AM

Contract: 0xF59Af636AEa3659215e109dd85D25DBb5Fdcd214

Smart Contracts


Kudex Token: 0xBd451b952dE19F2C7bA2c8c516b0740484E953B2

Kudex Masterchef: 0x243E46d50130F346beDE1d9548B41c49c6440872


Kudex Factory: 0x90D6E240D70162b3323B3584DBb147Fb5C2F0867

Kudex Router: 0x6074e20633D2D8FbdF82119867a81581cabe06dD

INIT_CODE_PAIR_HASH: 0xe8af3f7dd61885c51db1ba7e4c382bd1831825f2351f102b731414de0a307198

Emergency Withdraw

If something happens to Kudex’s frontend such as a DDOS attack or a temporary outage, farmers can still withdraw their tokens by direct interaction with the MasterChef contract.

Call the emergencyWithdraw function with the farm or pool id listed below to withdraw your staked tokens.

Withdraw without receiving rewards. EMERGENCY ONLY.

Farm / Pool ID :— — — — Token Name:

0 — — — — — — — — — — KCS-KUD LP

1 — — — — — — — — — — KUD

2 — — — — — — — — — — KuDoge-KCS LP

3 — — — — — — — — — — WKCS

Sounds fun? We can’t wait to meet you too. Drop by our socials and say hi.

Website: https://kudex.finance

Exchange: https://swap.kudex.finance

Telegram: https://t.me/kudexkcc

Github: https://github.com/kudexkcc

Docs: https://docs.kudex.finance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kudexkcc

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/kudexkcc

